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Built-in Image Preview

LiveViewJS ships with build-in support for image previews when uploading files.

Getting Entries from meta.uploads

The list of UploadEntry objects for a given upload config can be found in the meta.uploads object based on the name you provided when configuring it using the allowUpload method. For example, if you configured an upload config named photos, you can access the list of UploadEntry objects using Here is an example of accessing the list of UploadEntry objects for a given upload config:

render: (context, meta) => {
${ => {
return html`
<!-- render the entry -->

live_img_preview Tag

In order to use the built-in image preview, you must use the live_img_preview tag. This tag takes a UploadEntry and renders an image preview of it.

render: (context, meta) => {

All Together now

render: (context, meta) => {
${ => {
return html`

That's it! 🤯

Credit where credit is due

Thanks to the Phoenix LiveView folks that built this! 🙌 This is a great example of why we built on top of the existing LiveView client-side JS.