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LiveViewJS natively supports real-time, multi-player user experiences. This is because LiveViewJS (and Phoenix LiveView for that matter) are built on top of Pub/Sub primatives.

Pub/Sub is a common pattern for decoupling processes by allowing messages to be sent to a topic by one process and received asynchronously by another. In LiveViewJS, pub/sub is used to enable real-time, multi-player web application.

Pub/Sub in LiveViewJS

There are two main ways to enable real-time, multi-player experiences in LiveViewJS:

  • subscribe to topics - If you have a LiveView that needs to receive messages from a topic, you can subscribe to the topic in the mount method and receive "Info" messages in the handleInfo method.
  • broadcast to topics - If you have a LiveView (or data model) that needs to send messages to a topic, you can broadcast to the topic using an implementation of the PubSub interface.

LiveViewJS ships with three implementations of the PubSub interface:

  • SingleProcessPubSub - A pub/sub implementation (backed by EventEmitter that is useful for testing and development (as it only works in a single process).
  • RedisPubSub - A pub/sub implementation that uses Redis as the pub/sub backend. This is useful for production deployments that are running on NodeJS
  • BroadcastChannelPubSub - A pub/sub implementation that uses the BroadcastChannel API which is a server enabled pub/sub implementation that is useful for production deployments on Deno Deploy.

Subscribe to Topics

If you have a LiveView that needs to receive messages from a topic, you can subscribe to the topic in the mount method and receive "Info" messages in the handleInfo method.

For example:

mount: (socket) => {
// subscribe to Info events on the "my_topic" topic

This will cause the handleInfo method to be called with any messages that are broadcast to the "my_topic" topic.

handleInfo: (info, socket) => {
// handle info messages
switch (info.type) {
case "my_topic":
// handle my_topic messages

Broadcast to Topics

If you have a LiveView (or data model) that needs to send messages to a topic, you can broadcast to the topic using an implementation of the PubSub interface.

For example:

// create a pubsub instance
const pubSub = new SingleProcessPubSub();
// broadcast a message to the "my_topic" topic
pubSub.publish("my_topic", { message: "Hello World" });

This will cause the handleInfo method to be called with any messages that are broadcast to the "my_topic" topic.

Connecting with other LiveViews

It should be clear at this point that if you want to connect LiveView with a different LiveView (either the same type or a different type) all you need to do is broadcast a message to a topic that the other LiveView is subscribed to.

Connecting with External Events

Let's say you have an event that is happening outside of the LiveViewJS. All you have to do is connect that event with the LiveViewJS by broadcasting a message to a topic that the LiveViewJS is subscribed to. This means you either need to use the PubSub implementation (with the same configuration) in that different code or you need to use the same pub/sub backend (e.g., Redis or BroadcastChannel).