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LiveViewJS provides an interface that you can implement to integrate with your webserver of choice. This interface is called LiveViewServerAdaptor. This is the interface that is implemented by the NodeExpressLiveViewServer (and DenoOakLiveViewServer).

Required Methods

LiveViewServerAdaptor requires that you implement the following methods:

  • httpMiddleware()
  • wsMiddleware()

Digging into NodeExpressLiveViewServer

The implementation behind the NodeExpressLiveViewServer is where the magic of mapping HTTP and websocket requests to LiveViewJS routes happens.

HTTP Middleware

Let's look at the ExpressJS implementation of the httpMiddleware method:

httpMiddleware(): RequestHandler {
return async (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
try {
const adaptor = new ExpressRequestAdaptor(req, res, this.serDe);
const { getRequestPath } = adaptor;

// look up LiveView for route
const liveview = this.router[getRequestPath()];
if (!liveview) {
// no LiveView found for route so call next() to
// let a possible downstream route handle the request

// defer to liveviewjs to handle the request
const rootViewHtml = await handleHttpLiveView(

// check if LiveView calls for a redirect and if so, do it
if (adaptor.redirect) {

// otherwise render the LiveView HTML
html: () => {
} catch (error) {

In summary, the httpMiddleware method does the following:

  1. It creates an ExpressRequestAdaptor instance that wraps the ExpressJS Request and Response objects so they can be used by LiveViewJS.
  2. It uses the LiveViewRouter to see if there is a LiveView registered for the request path.
  3. If there is a LiveView registered for the request path, it calls handleHttpLiveView to handle the request. handleHttpLiveView is provided by LiveViewJS that connect the request to the LiveView.
  4. If there is no LiveView registered for the request path, it calls next() to let the next middleware in the chain handle the request.
  5. We check for redirects and if there is one, we do it.
  6. Otherwise, we render the LiveView HTML.

Websocket Middleware

Let's look at the ExpressJS implementation of the wsMiddleware method:

wsMiddleware(): (wsServer: WebSocketServer) => Promise<void> {
return async (wsServer: WebSocketServer) => {
// send websocket requests to the LiveViewJS message router
wsServer.on("connection", (ws) => {
const connectionId = nanoid();
ws.on("message", async (message, isBinary) => {
// pass websocket messages to LiveViewJS
await this._wsRouter.onMessage(connectionId, message, new NodeWsAdaptor(ws), isBinary);
ws.on("close", async () => {
// pass websocket close events to LiveViewJS
await this._wsRouter.onClose(connectionId);

In summary, the wsMiddleware method listens for websocket connections, messages, and close events and passes them to the LiveViewJS message router. The wsRouter knows how to route websocket messages to the correct LiveView and handle the websocket lifecycle. Not much to see here since it's all handled by LiveViewJS.

That's more or less it modulo the ExpressRequestAdaptor. The ExpressRequestAdaptor is a wrapper around the ExpressJS Request and Response objects that provides a common interface for LiveViewJS to use. This is another necessary step to normalize any differences between webserver implementations.