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Security Topics

Here are some security topics to consider when using LiveViewJS.

Authenticity Tokens / CSRF Protection

We use CSRF tokens (a.k.a. Authenticity Tokens) to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. CSRF attacks are a type of malicious exploit where unauthorized commands are performed on behalf of an authenticated user.

Websocket Join Authenticity

Every LiveView page load embeds a CSRF token in the page header in a meta tag named csrf-token. This token is created by LiveViewJS when the HTML page is initially rendered. The LiveViewJS client-side code automatically pulls in that token and sends it to the server as part of the websocket join phase where it is used to verify that the request is legitimate.

LiveViewJS Forms Authenticity

LiveViewJS expects forms to have an input named _csrf_token. This input field is automatically added to forms by the form_for helper and populated by the csrf token passed in during join. If you don't use form_for you can add a hidden input with the name _csrf_token and populate it yourself. When the form is submitted, the _csrf_token input field is sent to the server along with the form data. The LiveViewJS server verifies that the submitted CSRF token matches the CSRF token from the page header. If they do not match, the request is rejected. If the CSRF token is missing, the server prints out a warning but allows the form submission to continue.

Session Data

Part of the webserver integration is being able to pass any session data from the HTTP session to the LiveView websocket session. LiveViewJS allows each webserver integration to implement a getSessionData method that returns a JSON object containing the session data. LiveViewJS then uses the webserver integration's serializer/deserializer (a.k.a. SerDe) to serialize this data to be passed to the server as part of the websocket join. The LiveViewJS server then deserializes the session data and makes it available to the LiveView via the session property in mount.

Default SerDe uses JWT

The default SerDe implementation uses JWT to serialize and deserialize the session data. This means that the session data is signed (which prevents tampering) but not encrypted. If you want to encrypt the session data, you will have to implement your own SerDe.

Please Ask Questions 🎁

If there is something you are concerned about regarding security and LiveViewJS, please add an issue to the LiveViewJS GitHub repo. We will do our best to answer your questions and address any concerns you may have.