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Statics and Dynamics

It is helpful to understand why and how LiveViewJS takes a HTML template and breaks it into static and dynamic parts.

Template Example

Let's say we have the following template being returned in a LiveView's render function:

render: (context, meta) => {
const {title, body} = context;
return html`

The html tag is a "tagged template literal" function which allows LiveViewJS to parse the template literal into a tree of static and dynamic parts. For more information on tagged template literals, see MDN.

Parts of the Template

The template above is pretty simple but easy to see how it can break into static parts and dynamic parts. There are two dynamic parts of the template: ${context.title} and ${context.body}. The rest of the template is static. The parts break down into something like this:

// array of static parts
const statics = [

// array of dynamic parts
const dynamics = [

Zip Together

You can see that once we resolve the values for title and body we can "zip" these two arrays together to create the final HTML string. This is exactly what LiveViewJS does when it renders a HTML LiveView.

Send Both Statics and Dynamics to Client

In the case of the websocket, LiveViewJS initially sends both the statics and dynamics to the client. The client then uses the statics and dynamics to render the HTML. The client also stores the statics in memory so that it can use them to re-render the HTML when the dynamics change.

Only Update the Dynamics

When updates occur on the server and the LiveView is rerendered, we don't need to send the statics again. We only need to send the dynamics and furthermore, we only need to send the dynamics that have changed. The client then uses the stored statics and the new dynamics to re-render the HTML.

Super Fast 🏎

This sending only the value of a dynamic part of the LiveView that changed is extremely efficient and allows LiveViewJS to be super fast. It also allows LiveViewJS to be very lightweight. The client only needs to store the statics in memory and the server only needs to send the dynamics that have changed.