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LiveViewSocket API - Misc

A few other methods and properties are available on the LiveViewSocket object that we haven't covered yet.

LiveViewSocket Properties and Methods

id (property, read-only)The (random) id of the LiveView
connected (property, read-only)Whether the websocket is connected. true if connected to a websocket, false for http request
pageTitle(newPageTitle:string):void;Updates the <title> tag of the LiveView. Requires using the live_title helper in rendering the page.
putFlash(key: string, value: string): Promise<void>;Add flash message to the socket for a given key and value.
repeat(fn: () => void, intervalMillis: number): void;Runs the given function on the given interval until this LiveView is unloaded.

id Property

The id property is a unique identifier for the LiveView. It is a random string that is generated when the LiveView is created. It is useful for debugging and logging purposes.

connected Property

The connected property is a boolean that indicates whether the LiveView is connected to a websocket or not. If the LiveView is connected to a websocket, then the value will be true. If the LiveView is not connected to a websocket (i.e., executing an HTTP request), then the value will be false. This is useful for executing logic based on whether the LiveView has completed the initial websocket connection or not. For example:

if (socket.connected) {
// only subscribe to the topic if the LiveView is connected to a websocket
await socket.subscribe("my_topic");

pageTitle Method

LiveViewJS provides a live_title_tag helper that enables LiveViews to update the <title> tag of the page dynamically. This is useful for LiveViews that need to update the page title based on the current state of the LiveView. For example, a LiveView may want to update the title to include the details of the item being viewed. The pageTitle method works in partnership with the live_title_tag to enable dynamic page titles. live_title_tag is usually used in the LiveViewHtmlPageTemplate template. For example:

export const htmlPageTemplate: LiveViewHtmlPageTemplate = (
liveTitleOptions: LiveTitleOptions,
csrfToken: string,
liveViewContent: LiveViewTemplate
): LiveViewTemplate => {
const pageTitle = liveTitleOptions?.title ?? "";
const pageTitlePrefix = liveTitleOptions?.prefix ?? "";
const pageTitleSuffix = liveTitleOptions?.suffix ?? "";
return html`
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta name="csrf-token" content="${csrfToken}" />
${live_title_tag(pageTitle, { prefix: pageTitlePrefix, suffix: pageTitleSuffix })}
<script defer type="text/javascript" src="/js/index.js"></script>
<p><a href="/">← Back</a><br /><br /></p>

Now you can update the page title from within the LiveView using the pageTitle method. For example:

socket.pageTitle("My New Page Title");

The pageTitle method does not update the prefix or suffix part of the live_title_tag.

putFlash Method

Flash messages are a way to display small notes or alerts to users to provide feedback on actions they are taken. putFlash is a method that allows you to add a flash message to the LiveView. The flash message will be displayed on the next render. The putFlash method takes two arguments: the key and the value. The key is used to identify the flash message and the value is the message to display. putFlash usually works with a LiveViewWrapperTemplate to be used as the root template for the LiveView. The LiveViewWrapperTemplate is used to display the flash messages. For example:

export const wrapperTemplate: LiveViewWrapperTemplate = async (
session: SessionData,
liveViewContent: LiveViewTemplate
): Promise<LiveViewTemplate> => {
const flashAdaptor = new SessionFlashAdaptor();
const infoFlash = (await flashAdaptor.popFlash(session, "info")) || "";
const errorFlash = (await flashAdaptor.popFlash(session, "error")) || "";
return html`
<main role="main" class="container">
${infoFlash !== "" ? html`<blockquote><strong>ℹ Info</strong> ${infoFlash}</blockquote>` : ""} ${errorFlash !== ""
? html`<blockquote><strong>⚠️ Error</strong> ${errorFlash}</blockquote>`
: ""} ${safe(liveViewContent)}

repeat Method

The repeat method is a way to execute a function on a given interval. The repeat method takes two arguments: the function to execute and the interval in milliseconds. The function will be executed on the given interval until the LiveView is unloaded. For example:

if (socket.connected) {
// only start repeating if the socket is connected
socket.repeat(() => {
// send the tick event to `handleInfo` every second
socket.sendInfo({ type: "tick" });
}, 1000);