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LiveViewSocket API - Uploads

A common use case for a web application is to allow users to upload files. The following methods on the LiveViewSocket enable you to upload files to your server.

LiveViewSocket Properties and Methods

allowUpload(name: string, options?: UploadConfigOptions): Promise<void>;Allows file uploads for the given LiveView and configures the upload options (filetypes, size, etc).
cancelUpload(configName: string, ref: string): Promise<void>;Cancels the file upload for a given UploadConfig by config name and file ref.
consumeUploadedEntries<T>(configName: string,fn: (meta: ConsumeUploadedEntriesMeta, entry: UploadEntry) => Promise<T>):Promise<T[]>;Consume the uploaded files for a given UploadConfig (by name). This should only be called after the form's "save" event has occurred which guarantees all the files for the upload have been fully uploaded.
uploadedEntries(configName: string): Promise<{completed: UploadEntry[];inProgress: UploadEntry[];}>;Returns two sets of files that are being uploaded, those completed and those inProgress for a given UploadConfig (by name). Unlike consumeUploadedEntries, this does not require the form's "save" event to have occurred and will not throw if any of the entries are not fully uploaded.

allowUpload Method

allowUpload is used to configure the file upload options for a given LiveView. This method should be called in the mount method of your LiveView. The options parameter is optional and if not provided, the default options will be used. allowUpload requires a name parameter which is used to identify the upload config elsewhere in your code. Here is an example of configuring the upload options for a LiveView using allowUpload:

mount: (socket) => {
// configure the upload constraints
socket.allowUpload("photos", {
accept: [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif"], // only allow images
maxEntries: 3, // only allow 3 files to be uploaded
maxFileSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 10MB

Now that you've configured the upload options, you can use those options to render a live_file_input tag that allows the user to upload files. Here is an example of a live_file_input tag that uses the photos upload config as part of your render template:

<!-- use the "photos" upload config -->

cancelUpload Method

cancelUpload is a way to remove a file from the set of entries that either are ready to be uploaded or have already been uploaded (but not fully consumed yet). Typically, you would call this method in response to a user action such as clicking a "remove" button next to a file. Here is an example of calling cancelUpload in response to a user action:

handleEvent: (socket, event) => {
switch (event.type) {
case "cancel":
const { config_name, ref } = event;
// remove the uploaded entry from the upload config
socket.cancelUpload(config_name, ref);
render: (context, meta) {
<a phx-click="cancel" phx-value-config_name="photos" phx-value-ref="${entry.ref}">🗑</a>

consumeUploadedEntries Method

consumeUploadedEntries is a way to fully process the uploaded files for a given UploadConfig (by name). This should only be called after the form's "save" event has occurred which guarantees all the files for the upload have been fully uploaded. Here is an example of calling consumeUploadedEntries after the form's "save" event has occurred:

handleEvent: (socket, event) => {
switch (event.type) {
case "save":
// consume the uploaded entries for the "photos" upload config
await socket.consumeUploadedEntries("photos", async (meta, entry) => {
// we could create thumbnails, scan for viruses, etc.
// but for now move the data from the temp file (meta.path) to a public directory
meta.fileSystem.createOrAppendFile(`./public/${filename(entry)}`, meta.path);

uploadedEntries Method

uploadedEntries returns the set of files that are either in progress of being uploaded or have already been uploaded (but not fully consumed yet). Unlike consumeUploadedEntries this can be called before the form's save event has occured.

// get the complete and in progress entries for the "photos" upload config
const { completed, inProgress } = await socket.uploadedEntries("photos");
// do something with the entries

More details

More details on file uploads can be found in the File Uploads section of the docs.