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LiveViewSocket API - Push

There are various methods for "pushing" data from the server to the client outside of render and updating the URL of the LiveView.

LiveViewSocket Properties and Methods

pushEvent(pushEvent: AnyLivePushEvent): void;Pushes and event (possibly with data) from the server to the client. Requires either a window.addEventListener defined for that event or a client Hook to be defined and to be listening for the event via this.handleEvent callback.
pushPatch(path: string, params?: URLSearchParams, replaceHistory?: boolean): Promise<void>;Updates the LiveView's browser URL with the given path and query parameters.
pushRedirect(path: string, params?: URLSearchParams, replaceHistory?: boolean): Promise<void>;Shutdowns the current LiveView and loads another LiveView in its place without reloading the whole page (i.e., making a full HTTP request). Can be used to remount the current LiveView if need be. Use pushPatch to update the current LiveView without unloading and remounting.

Pushing Events

An event is any JSON object with a type: string property and optionally any other key/value pairs. e.g., :

type: "my-event",
foo: "bar"

Events can be pushed to the client using socket.pushEvent:

type: "my-event",
foo: "bar",

Event names are prefixed with phx: so an event with the type my-event will be sent as phx:my-event.

Listening for Events on the Client

Events can be listened for in two ways:

  1. Using window.addEventListener:
window.addEventListener("phx:my-event", (event) => {
console.log(; // "bar"
  1. Using a client Hook:
this.handleEvent("my-event", (event) => {
console.log(; // "bar"
We haven't discussed Hooks yet but they are not in any way like a React Hook. They are a way to define a

client-side component that can be used in your LiveView. We'll cover them in more detail in a later section.

For now, just know that you can define a client-side component that can listen for events and do something with them.

URL-based Pushes

The LiveViewSocket has two methods for updating the URL of the LiveView:

  • pushPatch - Updates the LiveView's browser URL with the given path and query parameters.
  • pushRedirect - Shutdowns the current LiveView and loads another LiveView in its place without reloading the whole page (i.e., making a full HTTP request). Can be used to remount the current LiveView if need be.

pushPatch Example

// Update the URL to /foo?bar=baz
socket.pushPatch("/foo", new URLSearchParams({ bar: "baz" }));

pushPatch will cause the handleParams method to be invoked which can be used to update the LiveView's state based on the new URL parameters.

pushRedirect Example

// Shutdown the current LiveView and load a new LiveView at /foo?bar=baz
socket.pushRedirect("/foo", new URLSearchParams({ bar: "baz" }));

pushRedirect will cause the current LiveView to be shutdown and a new LiveView to be loaded at the given path and query parameters without reloading the whole page (i.e., making a full HTTP request).