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NodeJS - Build a LiveView

Since you've already downloaded the LiveViewJS repo, it should be easy to create a new LiveView and add it to your webserver. Let's get started!

Create a new LiveView in Express

Since we are using Express to serve our LiveViews, we'll create a new LiveView in the packages/express directory.

Use your favorite editor to create a new file packages/express/src/example/liveview/hello.ts and add the following code and hit save:

import { createLiveView, html } from "liveviewjs";

export const helloLiveView = createLiveView({
render: () => html`Hello World!`,

Congratulations! You've just created your first LiveView! It doesn't do much yet but let's get it running in the browser.

Setup a new Route

Let's add a route to this LiveView to see it in our browser. Edit packages/express/src/example/index.ts and make the following highlighted changes:

import { htmlPageTemplate, wrapperTemplate } from "./liveViewRenderers";
import { helloLiveView } from "./liveview/hello";

// map request paths to LiveViews
const router: LiveViewRouter = {
"/hello": helloLiveView,
"/autocomplete": autocompleteLiveView,

Great! We've now setup our new LiveView to be served at the /hello path. Let's start the server and see it in action.

Start the Express Server

First, load the NPM dependencies:

# install the NPM dependencies
npm install

Then, start the express server:

# start express server
npm run start -w packages/express

You will probably see a warning from NodeJS about using an experimental feature:

ExperimentalWarning: The Fetch API is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)

The feature we are using is the built-in fetch method. Feel free to ignore this warning.

See the LiveView in Action

Point your browser to http://localhost:4001/hello, and you should see something like the following: LiveViewJS Hello World Screenshot

Next Steps

Ok, we got our first LiveView running but it isn't very interactive. Let's make it more interesting by adding a button that toggles between using text and emojis to say hello. Update the hello.ts file to the following:

import { createLiveView, html } from "liveviewjs";

export const helloLiveView = createLiveView({
mount: (socket) => {
socket.assign({ useEmoji: false });
handleEvent(event, socket) {
socket.assign({ useEmoji: !socket.context.useEmoji });
render: (context) => {
const msg = context.useEmoji ? "👋 🌎" : "Hello World";
return html`
<br />
<button phx-click="toggle">Toggle Message</button>

Now, when you refresh the page, you should see a button that toggles between using text and emojis to say hello. It should look something like this:

LiveViewJS Hello World Recording


You'll notice that LiveViewJS automatically rebuilds and reloads the server when you make changes to your LiveView code. This is a great way to iterate quickly on your LiveView.

Great start!

You've just created your first LiveView and added it to your webserver! There is a lot more to learn about LiveViewJS but you are well on your way. We recommend you continue to the Anatomy of a LiveView section to start to learn more about how LiveViews work.