LiveView API - render
is responsible for taking the context
(i.e., state) of the LiveView and generating the HTML/CSS for the
client. The LiveViewJS framework automatically passes the current context
of the LiveView into render
along with
data (things like the csrfToken, page url, etc.). It uses the html
method to generate the HTML/CSS for the
render(context: TContext, meta: LiveViewMeta<TEvents>): LiveViewTemplate | Promise<LiveViewTemplate>;
The example render
function below takes the count
from the context and renders the HTML/CSS for the client:
import { createLiveView, html } from "liveviewjs";
* A basic counter that increments and decrements a number.
export const counterLiveView = createLiveView<
{ count: number }, // Define LiveView Context / State
{ type: "increment" } | { type: "decrement" } // Define LiveView Events
// Setup / initialize the LiveView Context (i.e., set count to 0)
mount: (socket) => {
socket.assign({ count: 0 });
// Handle incoming increment and decrement events from User input
handleEvent: (event, socket) => {
const { count } = socket.context;
switch (event.type) {
case "increment":
socket.assign({ count: count + 1 });
case "decrement":
socket.assign({ count: count - 1 });
// Renders the Counter View based on the current Context / State
render: (context) => {
const { count } = context;
return html`
<h1>Count is: ${count}</h1>
<button phx-click="decrement">-</button>
<button phx-click="increment">+</button>
You might have noticed the phx-click
attributes present in the <button>
elements in the example above. These
are examples of attributes (a.k.a "bindings") that are added to HTML elements that initiate server events based on user
interaction. There are four main types of bindings: click, form, key, focus/blur. We will cover them in more detail
in the section on User Events.